Sunday, December 28, 2008

oak frost

Looks like this leaf didn't make the cut....the frost beat it to the bag!

sunrise snow

Because the sun comes up on the other side of the waterfall, I am always treated to a beautiful display of rays through the trees, especially after a nice snow the night before.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

all lined up

I have to admit that I have to work HARD at trying to come up with clever photos (AND clever names)...I happened to look up as I was standing under the clothesline in Maine and loved this perspective...each clip waiting to be used like soldiers...

Monday, November 10, 2008

copper moon

During the eclipse in February I couldn't take my eye off the sky or take photos fast enough. I was pleased with this one!

fleur de boats

Perkins Cove, Maine...summer...

Wells ripples

Can already feel the water on my feet...summer at the beach will feel so good after this winter, I'm sure.

eye of beauty

The rest of her is beautiful too...but the eyes have it....


The only rhodesian ridgeback without a ridge!! She's beautiful!!

the best one

retro metro

Ah...this just reminds me that I need to go back...bientot!!

Eiffel gold

I've gone back into my archives looking for some favorites..and this is one of them! I couldn't believe HOW sparkly and beautiful the tower was at night...if only I could have caught the flashing lights all around sparkled!

Friday, October 10, 2008

fall lake

I love this time of year, even before the trees have turned their full colors. I took this photo as I drove home from school, loving the clean reflections and clear fall skies.

ivy reflections

Last spring I went on the Freedom trail in Boston for the first time, as was taken to a very old cemetery along the way. Needless to say, while the headstones and names were historical and old, I found a great photo above, in the reflection of an old building covered with ivy.


It was such a beautiful day, that it looked like the clouds were melting right into the Hancock tower.

greenway at night

Not being from a city myself, I really find any visit into Boston (or pretty much any other city, for that matter) and huge treat. I happened to catch the greenway at night where the southeast expressway used to be. I can't get over how quiet it is now downtown.

reflected window

Just like I take photos of reflections in puddles, I take them in windows too. This one was taken at the Natick Organic Farm last winter.

winter shadow

Well, I certainly paint shadows enough, and that's probably because I've taken photos of them too....they're always an amazing shade of ANYTHING but grey!

atlantic red sunrise

I had to take a large series of photos to be able to capture this great cloud which changed shape and color so rapidly. What a beautiful morning on Wells beach (Summer 2007).

winter barn

Also taken last year, I liked the stark contrast between the simple barn, the blue sky and the stripped trees. A typical New England winter scene.

On the coast

Being from Maine, I can never tire of a typical Maine view such as a red fishing shack on the coast. THis photo was taken last winter on the way out to Land's End (the real one) on Bailey's Island.

three's a crowd

I find the animals at the local Organic farm to be funny...acting much like their human counterparts!! Wonder what they're discussing?


I was happy to find this great set of ferns in New Hampshire for a weekend at North Conway. In Maine, we ate them as "fiddleheads"...a great delicacy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The best part about any camping trip is always the campfire: heat, s'mores and friends.

reflected boat

This photo was taken at Camp Wing in Duxbury this past week. The trees were just starting to turn and the water was like a mirror.

Friday, September 19, 2008

half moon

I am fortunate to teach in a beautiful brick building with this cupola on top. And on a sunny winter day with a bright winter sky, the half moon stands out against the lit yellow monument.

first frost

The first frost of the season is one of my usually catches everything off guard!

sea glass

I was glad I caught the sky and water reflecting a periwinkle color...and the boats' reflections were perfect that day....just like a piece of glass in the harbor.

summer promise

While I generally don't work in black and white, the ability to "flip" a picture effortlessly in Adobe makes it fun to explore a photo that is typically only seen in color, a rainbow. I was surprised and pleased that the effect isnt' totally lost in black and white.

shadowed snow

This is actually the subject of an acrylic painting I did this summer, called "Upper Davis Brook Snow" (see ....the organic farm that I work at once a week is perfect to catch that early morning sun on a fresh snow.

Wells marsh colors

As I look through my archives this one always draws me in...the different colors in the marsh make it worth looking at again and again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

pyramid at the Louvre

One of the most life-changing trips I was able to take was to Paris, FINALLY, after studying French for 7 years and speaking it to myself forever (so I wouldn't forget it). I didn't get into the Louvre, but my NEXT visit I will!

Eliot Angles

Our school, the old Eliot school, boasts great angles, red brick and a perfect yellow trim. The primary colors that belong next to each other!


digging through my archives I came upon one of my favorite photos of one of my favorite dogs, Maizy. She is so easy going and fun, and with that bright red collar, she looks perfectly happy in the snow!

red lobster house

On the coast of Maine, out towards Land's End, there is a landmark building that sits just over the cribstone bridge. Against a winter sky, the rough red of the building stands out like a welcome beacon in a New England setting.

a perfect day

In the fall in New England, the sky turns the most beautiful shade of blue, and with cotton puff clouds to add, it's the perfect day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Red Sox Nation

Walking down Beacon Street

The famous road

bright banners

Fenway achievements

marsh greens

The lush greenery of the marsh in Wells Beach makes low tide a beautiful sea of green.

cottage peaks

A sure symbol of New England....cedar shingles and a bright blue sky.

Friday, August 15, 2008

night moves

The twinkling lights and beautiful sky just added to the night shot that I took recently in Maine.

The glistening sea and a beautiful crescent moon were visible over Wells' Beach (taken in Kennebunkport, near Walker's Point)

As cars drove up Ocean Avenue with a beautiful blue sky backdrop, I loved the softened lights against the darkening houses and dark sea.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

skinny houses

Whenever I visit other cities (as a former Navy child) I always tend to notice characteristics about houses that distinguish one city from another. DC has many colorful, "skinny" houses that I took in with pleasure!

chair lines

I like to be surprised when art appears in everyday my kitchen!

winter misfit

As much as I love winter, I love fall for the crisp days, crunchy leaves and a clean smell that tells me that snow is just around the corner.

sunrise Well's Beach




Because we are fortunate to spend some time in Maine each summer, I go to the beach, camera in hand, at all times of the day and night. The sunrises from the east are amazing and often put on a display of fire and reds that cannot be matched.