Saturday, November 15, 2008

all lined up

I have to admit that I have to work HARD at trying to come up with clever photos (AND clever names)...I happened to look up as I was standing under the clothesline in Maine and loved this perspective...each clip waiting to be used like soldiers...

Monday, November 10, 2008

copper moon

During the eclipse in February I couldn't take my eye off the sky or take photos fast enough. I was pleased with this one!

fleur de boats

Perkins Cove, Maine...summer...

Wells ripples

Can already feel the water on my feet...summer at the beach will feel so good after this winter, I'm sure.

eye of beauty

The rest of her is beautiful too...but the eyes have it....


The only rhodesian ridgeback without a ridge!! She's beautiful!!

the best one

retro metro

Ah...this just reminds me that I need to go back...bientot!!

Eiffel gold

I've gone back into my archives looking for some favorites..and this is one of them! I couldn't believe HOW sparkly and beautiful the tower was at night...if only I could have caught the flashing lights all around sparkled!